mandag 23. februar 2009

To the body affected by alcohol level:

0.2 eye ability to focus quickly and adjust from light to dark is reduced

0.5 A little "tipsy". The ability to perceive the situation and respond precisely to the start to be reduced. Inhibition decreases. Major problems to take in information. Research shows that we have the greatest pleasure of alcohol when you have 0.5 in volume.

0.8 You are loudly and exaggerated movements. Slower reflexes. Decreased coordination and increased reaction time. Excessive self-confidence. It smells alcohol of you.

1.0 You slur. Have trouble to go right. Poor muscle control. Attention and concentration ability is impaired, you are easily tired. Experience difficulty in controlling emotions.

1.5 You rattles when you go. Can easily get emotional outbursts. You can be aggressive and start to cry. Many hurles and you have blurred voice.

2.0 Poisoning Symptoms. No self control. You see double, and has trouble going up.

3.0 No control of urinary bladder, potentially unconsciousness. You do not realize what is happening.

4.0 Unconsciousness. Very slow breathing. High risk for fatal alcohol poisoning.

Why do people drink?

Already in early secondary school students learn the effects and the dangers of alcohol. Yet many choose to take alcohol.

Alcohol gives a narcotic effect on the brain. Nervous system function is reduced, and you get a good feeling or bad dipending on your emosions. Concentration and assessment ability is weakened.

At the intake of alcohol, you can get inaccurate movements and weakened abillity to speak clearly, and the critical sense is weakened as well. For low dose of skepticism and assessment capabilities, is also leading in many cases to fight, unwanted sexual intercourse and unnecessary bickering. After large alcohol intake people can also experience significant problems "the day thereupon", with headache, general sick feeling, depression, nausea and vomiting. The day after they have consumed large amounts of alcohol, it is also not uncommon to experience "complete horror" because of "black hole" from the night before. Some feel they can not quite remember everything that happened during a party, and is nervous about what they may have said or done.

In an article on a girl write: "I'm drinking often, but I don't acually like it that much. All my friends do it, and that's the reason. Because otherwise, I'll be sitting alone at home". We think this is, for some people, the main reason of alcoholdrinking.

Despite all the negative effects alcohol provides, there are many young people who choose to take alcohol. The reasons for this can be many. Among other young people may often be curious of the effect of this drug. Rumors of fun parties with alcohol, the availability, impact and lokking from friends and the environment, are often involved in making alcohol tempting.

Many people become less shy then they usualy are. Some might think that if they drink alcohol, they will become more open, for example, talk to a girl or boy that they have been interested in a long time, but not dared to make contact with. In other cases the opposite will happen, that one is more sad, or perhaps angry and aggressive.

Press and status. The most common reasons for the consumption of alcohol at a young age, is either the pressure from friends or a need to assert themselves and show that it is "cool". Often, the reality may be the true opposite. Those who have a tough and even secure external, may be uncertain of themselves, and hide it by doing things they think make them cooler. It is often normal to experience pressure to drink alcohol from friends at school. Some try to convince you that it is cool to drink, if you don't, or perhaps you feel that you are not one of the gang unless you also drink alcohol at parties. In some cases, people assume alcohol because they want to forget the problems and sorrows, and believe that alcohol will be a good solution for this problem.

tirsdag 3. februar 2009

Facts about alcohol

In chemistry, alcohol is an organic compound like a hydroxyl group (-OH) that is bound to a carbon atom of an alkyl or substituted alkyl group. The general formula for a simple acyclic alcohol is CnH2n+1OH. In common terms, the word alcohol refers to ethanol, the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages.

Ethanol in alcoholic beverages has been consumed by humans since prehistoric times for a variety of hygienic, dietary, medicinal, religious, and recreational reasons. The consumption of large doses of ethanol causes drunkenness (intoxication), which may lead to a hangover as its effects wear off. Depending upon the dose and the regularity of its consumption, ethanol can cause acute respiratory failure or death. Because ethanol impairs judgment in humans, it can be a catalyst for reckless or irresponsible behavior.

mandag 19. januar 2009

Alcohol in Norway

In Norway the age limit for alcohol is 18 years for beer and 20 years for wine and spirits. But we believe that in this country many people under the age limit have tried alcohol anyway, even through friends, parents or others. They drink in private areas, expesially in the weekens. Maybe about 85 % of youth in the age 15-20 have tried alcohol and the average age of youngsters who has tried it, is about 15 years old. The statistics shows that:

13-16 years: 72%
17-18 years: 88% have tried alcohol.
19-20 years: 93%